・HIGHLY PRECISE DEVICE: MWF Spark’s Long Range Metal Detector is a high-precision radar that transmits and receives signals from its targets. This professional metal detector gives you the power to search over multiple terrains and allows you to explore anywhere using superior geolocator technology.
・LATEST TECHNOLOGY: MWF Spark uses the latest technology to ensure a professional product as well as a positive experience. You’ve got the power to find underground metals, caves, and more with this long range metal detector’s ability to cover larger areas of research and excellent radar capabilities
・NEWLY DESIGNED SYSTEM: This system is designed to avoid errors caused using the long-range system by the prospector and to confirm the existence of a target. Comes with adjustable destination, depth range, and distance range selections.
・LONG RANGE DETECTION: The Spark offers high security and reliable frequency waves that allow you to identify and detect the target underground such as gold, silver, coins, jewelry, and more. This metal detector’s long-range system can reach up to 10 meters in depth and 200 meters in distance.
・AUTHORIZATION AND GUARANTEE: When purchasing a product from us, prior bank authorization may be necessary to prevent order cancellation. Please confirm this with your bank before your purchase in an effort to avoid order delays. Detector Power lives up to our reputation of excellence through a guaranteed manufacturer's on all products. We are also proud to offer a hassle-free 15-day return policy to our valued customers.
カテゴリー: 金属探知機
ブランド: MWF
高さ: 35.4 センチ
幅: 29.2 センチ
奥行: 22.4 センチ
重量: 1.9 Kg
残り 1 点 134720.00円
(70 ポイント還元!)
翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く
お届け日: 発送日目安は1~2日後 (明日12:00のご注文まで)
アズワン(AS ONE) バイオロジカルインジケーター(Mesa Labs) EOGガス滅菌/乾熱滅菌 B.subtilis 10^6 100枚入 A2X10/6G 1箱(100枚入り)
あすつく対応 「直送」 エレコム OC-LCSC5OM3/3 光ファイバーケーブル マルチモード 10G LC−SC 3m OCLCSC5OM33
Handor エクステリア クローム ドアハンドル 2007-2013 キャデラック エスカレード シボレー アバランチ シルバラード サバーバン タホ GMC シエラ ユーコン
###TOTO 洗面化粧台 スタンダード オクターブLite 2枚扉 回避なし カウンター高さ800mm 間口750mm 寒冷地〔GA〕
金具付シグナルスリング KSFF 1点吊 1.5ton 幅50mm 長さ3m 上部フック下部フック シングル形ベルト スリングベルト
エバラ FSW型片吸込渦巻ポンプ 60Hz 口径125mm 出力11kW ( 150X125FSW4J511B ) (株)荏原製作所 (メーカー取寄)